Finding Christ Through Service: Viz Students Shine in Leadership and Compassion
Six Visitation Academy students—Maeve M. '26, Libby M. '25, Maggie C. '26, Gabby M. '26, Caelan V. '26, and Kendall Ann M. '26—are leading by example through their involvement in the Glennon Guild Junior Board (GGJB). This organization, established in 2023, empowers high school students to serve families at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. Together, these students exemplify the values of faith, service, and leadership that Visitation cherishes.
Junior Maeve has made a notable impact through her work with the board. Inspired by the heartfelt stories of young Cardinal Glennon patients like Jimmy Williams, who received a heart transplant, Maeve co-founded Pen Pals with Patients, a new club at Viz. Alongside Gabby, her fellow co-president, Maeve leads this initiative to connect Visitation students with hospitalized children by sending e-cards, books, and stuffed animals.
“When you do something good for someone, you can definitely feel Jesus; it’s not just from yourself,” Maeve reflected. “I think that has really deepened my faith and made me more connected to Him.”
Gabby has also made significant contributions to the Glennon Guild Junior Board and beyond. In addition to her role as co-president of Pen Pals with Patients, Gabby serves as an executive member of the board and represents the GGJB in other important capacities. One of her key responsibilities includes reporting Salesian service hours for all 55 of Visitation’s student executives and ambassadors to Kim Minana, showcasing her dedication to both the board and the broader Viz community.
While Gabby’s deep commitment was not mentioned in the original article highlighting GGJB members, her leadership and tireless efforts have not gone unnoticed at Viz. Her role as a bridge between the board and Visitation’s leadership reflects her passion for service and organizational excellence.
The Glennon Guild Junior Board provides a unique opportunity for more than 200 high school students from across St. Louis to give back to their community. For Libby, Maggie, Gabby, Caelan, Kendall Ann, and Maeve, participation in the board is more than just volunteering—it’s a way to deepen their faith, build meaningful connections, and bring Christ’s love to others.
With initiatives like Pen Pals with Patients and their unwavering commitment to service, these Viz students are leaving an indelible mark on both the school and the broader community.
Visitation Academy is an independent, private Catholic school offering a coeducational Montessori preschool and Kindergarten program, the area's only all-girl elementary program for Grades 1-5, and an all-girl middle school and all-girl high school.